
bi-annual update!


hello. it's been exactly half a year since my last blogpost, so i have a lot to share here.

this summer my friend TwoSpaces and i made 2 games: one for the GMTK game jam: DiceBoard (playable in the browser), and one for our friend's birthday: #fe8line. then Ludum Dare hit and our group decided to make a 3D game, which turned out pretty well: Cat That Steals Stuff and Gets in Trouble (the name is truly ingenious, thanks Tea). we earned our first dollar because of it!!

i'm still using my drawing tablet. below in the attachments is some artwork of guns i made half a month ago, and i'm happy with how they turned out. i also rendered a backrooms-esque scene i made in may.

as for my music... i released another ""ep"". i also made 3 tracks while i was on a 2 day long road trip, and a few weeks ago i made a thing with ice vibes: frozen over. i've also been experimenting with sampling... but we don't talk about that,,

the website has been updated with a new color scheme, size adjustments, improved navbar and a reworked blog page. the website now also features a theme switcher and a new font.

i've been studying french for the past month or so (with a little bit of experience before), so far i can only say that mon francais n'est pas bien, j'adore video jeux, je prend un cafe, mon amis sont gentils et les plantes sont vertes... les improvements sont petits mais constant.

i'm excited because i may get a laptop in a few weeks (hopefully in less than a month). i'll be able to work everywhere!! absolute productivity...

oh and i'm also in college now.

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